You may use this website subject to acceptance of all these Terms of Use, which Solstys reserves the right to modify at any time. The user must comply with the terms that are in force at the time that the user visits the website.

Publisher information

This site “” is the property of Solstys, a company with limited liability with a capital of €15,000, registered in the Saint-Brieuc Register of Commerce and Companies under number B447960220, with registered office at 4 rue André Marie Ampère 22300 Lannion (SIRET 44796022000039). Mr. Philippe Laot is responsible for publication of the website.

Information on the website

The information on the website is provided for information only. Solstys makes every effort to provide available and verified information, services and tools, but cannot guarantee that the information, tools and services are accurate, complete or up-to-date or that this website is free of viruses.

The user therefore acknowledges that the user has sole responsibility for using such information and services and irrevocably waives Solstys’ liability for any direct or indirect damage or loss in connection with the use of such information, tools or services or as a result of viruses on this website.


The “” website may include links to other sites. As Solstys has no control over such websites, it cannot be held responsible for such websites and does not bear any responsibility, including with regard to any content, products, services or advertising on such websites.

Copyright – reproduction

Unless otherwise specified, all elements (text, logos, images, sound, software, icons, layouts, databases etc.) of the website are protected by intellectual property rights. These elements remain the exclusive property of Solstys and/or its partners.

It is prohibited to modify, adapt or translate the elements of the website, to create a derivative work, to reverse the design or structure or to attempt to identify the source code, to sell, license or otherwise transfer rights to the website or its elements.

The reproduction of texts published on the website is authorized for the exclusive purpose of information for personal and private use; any reproduction or use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited. The reproduced texts must always make reference to the website.


The “” website is provided by the Solstys company and hosted by the SCALEWAY company.